Courses Offered

High Hope Haven offers the following courses.  On occasion, we have scholarship funding available. Please contact us if you require assistance. For a detailed description of the courses, please go here.

Equine-assisted course.  Five days, 2 hours each day.  $250

To register, print and complete the referral form, liability release, and photo release.  The referral form must be filled out by a professional in social services, mental health, or education.  To maintain confidentiality, please do not send the forms electronically but mail them to

P.O. Box 5901, Eugene, OR  97405

Once the forms have been received, we will contact you to schedule your course and to arrange payment.

Equine-assisted course.  One day, 1-2 hours.  $50

To register, print and complete the liability release, and photo release.  To maintain confidentiality, please do not send the forms electronically but mail them to

P.O. Box 5901, Eugene, OR  97405

Once the forms have been received, we will contact you to schedule your course and to arrange payment.

Three-hour workshop that teaches how to read nonverbal body language and engage clients.  Limit 10 participants.  $250

It is possible to teach this workshop in different settings.  Please contact us if you have questions or would like to schedule a workshop.